AI Asset Management
Our AI Inspired Technology will Reduce Your Expenses and Generate More Revenue

Let us Forensically Audit and Analyze your Data and Take Your Business to a Higher Asset Performance Level
The AI Asset Management Group has developed Artificial Intelligent (AI) technology and AI powered proprietary software to help any organization or business reduce their expenses and/or generate additional revenue streams. Our one-of-kind proprietary technology forensically audits expenses, as well as, revenues to maximize the optimal asset outcome: reducing operating costs and increasing revenues. We then work with your existing providers or vendors to reduce expenses and increase revenue payouts. All of our service costs are performance based; we are only remunerated when you get paid.
Medical Underpayments
Enables medical providers to recover past medical underpayments going back 12-24 months of zero balance claims (of those recognized as paid). This proprietary technology identifies and recovers underpayments, denials, automates appeals and requests, and is a contract modeler in negotiating more favorable contracts.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on the principle that human intelligence can be defined in a way that a machine can easily mimic and improve upon it and execute tasks, from the most simple to those that are very complex. AI combines computer science and robust data-sets, to enable problem-solving. It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning.

Unprecedented technology all aimed at improving organizational performance. Impeccable reliability and reputation.
AI Asset Management Group is a consortium of partners that have long track records in their industries and fields of operation. They have taken their expertise and industry experience and combined it with very powerful AI software and AI inspired technology to provide outstanding business solutions and profitable outcomes. During these challenging economic times it is even more important than ever to increase efficiencies, reduce operating cost and generate new, and in some cases, forgotten revenue sources. Our team of industry experts are leveraging and incorporating AI to analyze your company data on a level we have not seen before to identify savings and expand asset resources.

Are You Ready to Accelerate Your Business?
We can forensically audit and analyze your expenses, underpayments and potential tax credits/incentives to identify monies and savings due to you and your organization. In most cases we will find hidden cash and savings for your organization; or if nothing else confirm that you are on top of your financial game. We provide these services with no cost or obligation and we are only remunerated when you receive payment.